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From Banking to Interior Design: My Journey of Passion and Creativity


In the world of interior design, creativity knows no bounds. It transcends boundaries and backgrounds, making it accessible to anyone with a passion for transforming spaces into works of art. Today, I bring you an inspiring story of someone who embarked on this creative journey after leaving a banking job in Keshod. This is the first blog post of a talented interior designer who has overcome obstacles to pursue her dreams.

Introducing Dhara Ajmera

Hello! I'm Dhara Ajmera, an interior design artisan, thrilled to share my transformative journey. Born in tranquil Keshod, I've evolved into a creator of beautiful and functional spaces that capture your unique essence.

The Banking World

My story begins in the bustling town of Keshod, where I spent my initial career years working in a bank. A steady job, a regular routine – it was a life many would envy. However, deep down, a spark of creativity was waiting to ignite.

The Spark of Creativity

Like many of us, I found myself drawn to the world of interior design. What started as a hobby soon became a burning passion. I began experimenting with my own living space, rearranging furniture, choosing color schemes, and curating decor pieces to create a unique ambiance.

Taking the Leap

One day, I made a life-changing decision. I decided to leave the comfort of my banking job and dive headfirst into the world of interior design. It was a daunting move, filled with uncertainties, but it was also a leap of faith towards my true calling.

The Journey Begins

Starting from scratch, I enrolled in design courses and workshops to hone my skills. I spent countless hours studying design principles, learning about different styles, and networking with industry professionals. Every project I undertook was a learning experience, a chance to refine my craft.

The Birth of a Designer

Through dedication and hard work, I transformed into a full-fledged interior designer. My portfolio grew with each successful project, and my unique style began to shine through. My journey from banking to interior design was nothing short of remarkable.

The Vision Ahead

Today, as I take the plunge into the world of blogging, I'm excited to share my knowledge, experiences, and insights with you. I understand the struggles that many aspiring designers face and hope to inspire them to pursue their dreams fearlessly.

Welcome to Dhara Ajmera Interior Design Studio

Challenges refined my skills as I navigated design education. Each hurdle was a lesson, each setback a stepping stone. Today, I'm Dhara Ajmera, a space storyteller and dream guardian. Join me on a journey where spaces hold emotions, and dreams take flight. Welcome to Dhara Ajmera Interior Design Studio.

This blog post marks the beginning of an exciting journey. From my roots in Keshod to my blossoming career as an interior designer, my story is a testament to the power of passion and determination. Join me in celebrating my journey as I embark on this new chapter of my life, sharing my love for interior design with the world.

In future blog posts, I will delve deeper into the world of interior design, offering tips, inspiration, and a glimpse into my creative process. Stay tuned for more, and let my passion inspire you to follow your own dreams, no matter where you start.

Remember, every great journey begins with a single step, and sometimes, that step takes you from a bank in Keshod to the colorful, creative world of interior design.